Tuesday 21 June 2016

For those who say - it's just the internet.

For those who say - it's just the internet.

Unfortunately he had to cross into Washington state to get charged with criminal harassment and a (Canadian) weapons offence in spite of death threats. No wonder she resides in (updated, I had said moved but there is no evidence she ever lived in Canada) the US, he can't legally enter there.

And clearly unable to take responsibility for his actions. Lost job opportunities and police questioning doesn't trump his desire to make her life fearful.


  1. One of the CBC commenters said this looks like a murder suicide in slow motion. Once you are in the sights of a person like this, it is almost impossible to be protected from them...But we should still try.

  2. Spent a few minutes looking through the site. No, she didn't move to the US to get away from him.

  3. You went to the site he built and think that?

  4. You didn't and think the contrary? On what basis?

  5. They met in the US so I thought she just stayed (or returned) there. Considering how difficult it is to restrict a stalker I would definitely use everything possible - including borders - to limit access. I should have said resides in...
