Weight loss is more than calories in and calories out.
Research using a pool of 10,000 participants. People tend to gain weight back. Different people find success with different changes in eating habits.
From the article. To lose weight ...The one commonality is that they had to make changes in their everyday behaviors ... and to keep it off ...people with long-term weight loss tended to be motivated by something other than a slimmer waist--like a health scare or the desire to live a longer life, to be able to spend more time with loved ones...
Overall we eat a lot less high calorie/low nutrition food but I still eat a lot of sweets. Fred is eating vegan and I'm ... not. I exercise regularly, he does not. We've both lost and kept off 30 pounds (him maybe more) in the time we've lived in this town but more importantly we're sustaining healthy lifestyles. We're in our mid-50s and not on any medication.
I live in a small Canadian Prairie city with a spouse and a dog. We retired in 2018. This is what life is like.
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Weight loss is more than calories in and calories out. Research using a pool of 10,000 participants. People tend to gain weight back. Differ...
Handy grammar infographic. Which errors do you make? I know there are some spell checkers make on my behalf. https://www.grammarcheck.net/wr...
We were in Edmonton so I took the opportunity to visit the Microsoft Store, check out the Go and finally purchased it. I knew there was a ...
One thing I did consistently was boot up my exercise intensity if I lowered my calories because I knew (from school at some point) that metabolism slows whenever you suddenly decrease your eating.
ReplyDeleteMhhh...so interesting
ReplyDeleteLong read but worth it.
ReplyDeleteUmm actually it is calories in calories out.
ReplyDeleteU just have no idea how many calories u burn.
Habits were formed over years to make u fat and need to be broken
New habits need to be trained. Pavlov style if need be.
Water coffee tea. PLAIN
Time spent filtering out excess sugars in kidney/liver can be better spent filtering out more important shit.
Liquid soluble fibre is key for transport of fat cells around the body. Make sure your system has that shit floating around and available in your blood.
U did not get fat overnight
U expect the same losing weight?
50lbs a year. Check if u are on task once a month. Adjust diet and exercise accordingly.
First 6-8months should be identifying and breaking/repurposing habits that make u take in unecessary calories.
After that it is cementing and remaking new habits. And finding ways to balance calories burned vs calories taken in.
Which gets easy as hell the longer u pay attention to yourself.
U got fat. Cause u got lazy and u never said no to yourself.
Fat people drive everywhere and sit in chairs all day.
Healthy people find ways to walk places.
I hate gyms and exercise for exercise sake. I spent a couple months experimenting to get a baseline ballpark of my daily calorie need. If u assume 1800 for a male.. Yeah 1800calorie for a WORKING MAN, not a fatass that sits around all day. Office job is more like a 1200calorie job.
Calorie need for the day is entirely dependent upon what u do the entire day.
U can get a ball park by just journaling your hourly activity and adding up your calorie expenditure.
Eat alittle less calorie than what u need everyday while maintaining nutrition. U lose alittle everyday.
Eat even less, lose even more. But fuck being cranky.
First months sticking to your general calorie needs will be hard.
Ie u are training yourself like a dog.
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Food ana lisas. Analysis to be precise. The Russians are coming. Pass the Borscht! ...... And watch out for da cow!!!!!
ReplyDelete,bk km v c bnxxcgg n
ReplyDeleteLol MNM v I get
ReplyDeleteHelen Jeffers Helen Jeffers porkaaaa?
ReplyDeleteActually your body stores fat in times of scarcity ( diet ) and burns fat in times of plenty ( eating healthy) There are medical circumstances that override this but basically that's how it works
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NICE One,,,
ReplyDeletean article everyone should read
ReplyDeleteI'm learning
ReplyDeleteToshogu Takegawa I got fat because I didn't say no to my bfb halol!
ReplyDeleteIf people stick to just talking and thinking about weight loss then Toshogu is actually 100% correct, in that case it's all about calories in vs out.
ReplyDeleteBut if we are actually talking about a healthy fit life ( which is what we should always talk about ) then it is about wellness, and health and fitness and not just 'weight loss', and in a healthy, fit life, its not just about calories in vs out, its about eating healthy food and keeping physically active on a daily basis. And that healthy balance, in turn, leads to a body that is not just losing fat due to calories being in balance but permanently staying healthy and fit, strong and capable, durable and toned.
And for the record, no one that actually sticks to a real fitness life ever fail at keeping fit and healthy. The only people that fail are the ones that stop keeping fit and healthy. It´s just science and its easy as pie.
ReplyDeleteRamesh Gundu agree
ReplyDeleteA waist is a terrible thing to mind.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing
ReplyDeleteWell if u best laa dis. Shit. Once a. Day. ..yo ass will be a. ..big ass. Dino saur
ReplyDeleteIt's called Bullshit... my diet is working perfectly.
ReplyDeleteI was 161lbs after pregnancy and after 3 months of dieting, I'm 128lbs it worked.
Carb and sugar free diet works without any problem, lost 25lbs in just one month.
Well I see. Yo. Fat. Ass. Dropped a. 50 lb. Kid. From....fuckin eatin. Too much...eh girl...😭😇😱...let's see a. Pic of yo. Kid too...hmmmnm...
ReplyDeleteEdmund stewart Was that mean comment for me?
ReplyDeleteWell. My dear..if anyone eat that much. Food per day. U fat..and we will. Call. Y'all. .hungry Howie..😁😵😍😱😯.....my. Apologies...eh
ReplyDeleteEdmund stewart I was pregnant, you missed that point.
ReplyDeleteIt's very normal to gain weight during pregnancy, that was so mean of you.
I gave up meat and dairy , lost 30 pounds, and kept it off for 7 years. I also excercise about 5-8 hours a week, but that's a more recent thing.
ReplyDeleteScot Matheson I eat meat but I'm lactose intolerant so I don't eat dairy products.
ReplyDeleteSarah...I went thru. 5. Little monsters. Wit. 3. Mammies. I know y'all git. Bigg. My dear and. Mean too..forgive my. French..eh...
ReplyDeleteEdmund stewart Seriously when males talk just because they were hanging around with their friends when their wife was pegnanat and assume "They know", I think males need brain.
ReplyDeleteSarah Uzi according to The China Study, milk products are one of the worst foods for a woman, so maybe being lactose intolerant is really a good thing in the long run.
ReplyDeleteScot Matheson I have seen a joke somewhere.
ReplyDeleteA kid was asked to write opposite word of the following.
Kid answered,
Black -> White
High -> Low
Bright -> Dark
Original -> China (So I don't believe in China Study)
If dairy was bad our brain would not like it, milk will taste bad and we will be repelled by its smell. This is why we don't eat rotten things and things that are spoiled.
Because our brain over millions of years has taught our system to reject these things, same isn't true for milk.
I LOVE Icecream and Yogurt (Though I can eat Yogurt as it doesn't have the same effect on me).
We are lactose intolerant because 70% of the population of the world lose their ability to digest milk after a certain time that is because dairy is not a source of fixed food for human, we eat different things and it wasn't a compulsion on any population that if they don't eat diary they would die.
So not everyone evolved tolerance to dairy products, many Europeans did because during harsh winters of Europe especially those living in Eastern Europe has no other option but to survive on milk so those who couldn't digest milk would perish and leave no offsprings.
This is why my mother has no problem with milk but my dad does because she is from Eastern (Central) Europe because he is Iranian. Iranian they had other things to go by during Winter or Summer, it wasn't they were locked in the house for months and had to live on meat and diary all the time, this is why these people didn't develop tolerance.
If diary products were bad for us our brain would reject them.
Well dat kid is on its way. To... smartness..eh...hope da parents y. Got. Some of its genes...eh😨😭😇😁😱
ReplyDeleteSoooh don't eat da. Shit that. Fucks yo ass up. ..eh...u know what u like. Soooohh eat that...hmmmm😎😷😵😨
ReplyDeleteSomeone just made it to my block list.
ReplyDeleteIt's ass kickin time. Girl...
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Thanks for sharing +Cass Morri
ReplyDeleteVee. Eat. Veggies and. Fish sammiches. Only. Eh
[26/05 11:08 AM] Mimoh Verma: 🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧
ReplyDelete🍧क्या आप WhatsApp यूज करते हो ?
🍣 जी हां l
🍧क्या आप Facebook यूज़ करते हो ?
🍣जी हां l
🍧सर आप जॉब करते हो ?
🍣 जी हां !
🍧सर आपकी कितनी सैलरी है ?
🍧 सर आपके क्या क्या सपने है ?
🍣मेरे पास एक बड़ी लग्जरियस कार हो, एक बहुत बड़ा बंगला हो, नौकर-चाकर हो, मैं विदेश घूमना चाहता हूं l
🍧 सर आप दिन में कितनी बार WhatsApp पर Facebook यूज करते हो ?
🍣मैं दिन में 15 - 20 बार WhatsApp और Facebook देखता हूं ।
🍧क्या आप अपनी सैलरी से अपने सपने पूरे कर सकते हो ?
🍣जी नहीं l
🍧क्या आप पार्ट टाइम बिजनेस करना चाहोगे ?
🍣कैसा पार्ट टाइम बिजनेस ?
🍧सर आपको प्ले स्टोर से चैंपकैश एप्लीकेशन इनस्टॉल करनी है l रजिस्ट्रेशन करके अपना ID एक्टिव करना है और फिर अपनी ID से अपने दोस्तों की जॉइनिंग करवानी है l बस इतना ही काम आपको करना है l
🍣जी नहीं, मेरे पास समय नहीं है l
🍧सर एक बार आपको रजिस्ट्रेशन करके अपना ID एक्टिव करना है l फिर इसके बाद केवल आपको अपने ID को WhatsApp पर और Facebook पर प्रमोट करना है l
🍣नहीं नहीं मुझे बिल्कुल समय नहीं मिलता है l मैं अपने काम से ही बाहर नहीं निकल पाता l
🍧सर आप कितने समय से WhatsApp और Facebook यूज कर रहे हो ?
🍣पिछले 4 साल से l
🍧सर आप WhatsApp पर Facebook पर क्या करते हैं ?
🍣कुछ नहीं बस ऐसे ही मैसेज पढ़ते हैं l मैसेज शेयर करते हैं l वीडियो शेयर करते हैं l ईमेज शेयर करते हैं l बड़ा मजा आता है l
🍧सर चैंपकैश बिजनेस में भी आपको यही करना है l WhatsApp पर अपने चैंपकैश के मैसेज को शेयर करना है l चैंपकैश के वीडियो को शेयर करना है l चैंपकैश की इमेज को शेयर करना है l बस इतना ही तो करना है l
🍣नहीं नहीं मुझे बिल्कुल समय नहीं मिलता l
🍧😳😀लो कर लो बात l😀
🍧सपने बड़े बड़े हैं l काम कुछ करना नहीं है l जब देखो तब Facebook और WhatsApp पर लगे रहते हैं और कहते हैं समय नहीं है l
🍧दोस्तों चैंपकैश बिजनेस में सफल होने के लिए जो गुण चाहिए वह आप में पहले से ही मौजूद है l
🍧क्या आप WhatsApp पर मैसेज शेयर नहीं करते हो ?
🍧यही काम आपको चैंपकैश बिजनेस में करना है l चैंपकैश के मैसेज WhatsApp पर शेयर करने हैं l
🍧क्या आप WhatsApp और Facebook पर वीडियो शेयर नहीं करते, इमेज शेयर नहीं करते ?
🍧यही काम आप को चैंपकैश बिजनेस में करना है l आपको WhatsApp पर Facebook पर अपने चैंपकैश के वीडियो और इमेज शेयर करने हैं l
🍧तो दोस्तों बताओ आपको नया करना क्या है ? वही तो करना है जो आप आज तक Facebook और WhatsApp पर करते आए हो l
🍧चैंपकैश बिजनेस में सफल होने के लिए आपके पास सब कुछ है l बस कमी है तो सिर्फ आपके एक कमिटमेंट की l
🍿Mr verma 🍿🍿
🥃SPONSOR id-5220450🍷
_*🍧🍧 JAY CHAMPCASH 🍧🍧*help line whates up-9813780022
[26/05 12:31 PM] Mimoh Verma: कृपया ध्यान दें :-
क्या आप Online Game खेलकर पैसे कमाना चाहते है??
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जी हाँ ये बिलकुल सच है आप इन सभी से फ्री में घर बैठे 15 से 20 हजार रूपए महीना कमा सकते हैं।
sponsor id-5220450
Intersted person टाइप करें info और Whatsapp करें :+919813780022
[26/05 11:08 AM] Mimoh Verma: 🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧
ReplyDelete🍧क्या आप WhatsApp यूज करते हो ?
🍣 जी हां l
🍧क्या आप Facebook यूज़ करते हो ?
🍣जी हां l
🍧सर आप जॉब करते हो ?
🍣 जी हां !
🍧सर आपकी कितनी सैलरी है ?
🍧 सर आपके क्या क्या सपने है ?
🍣मेरे पास एक बड़ी लग्जरियस कार हो, एक बहुत बड़ा बंगला हो, नौकर-चाकर हो, मैं विदेश घूमना चाहता हूं l
🍧 सर आप दिन में कितनी बार WhatsApp पर Facebook यूज करते हो ?
🍣मैं दिन में 15 - 20 बार WhatsApp और Facebook देखता हूं ।
🍧क्या आप अपनी सैलरी से अपने सपने पूरे कर सकते हो ?
🍣जी नहीं l
🍧क्या आप पार्ट टाइम बिजनेस करना चाहोगे ?
🍣कैसा पार्ट टाइम बिजनेस ?
🍧सर आपको प्ले स्टोर से चैंपकैश एप्लीकेशन इनस्टॉल करनी है l रजिस्ट्रेशन करके अपना ID एक्टिव करना है और फिर अपनी ID से अपने दोस्तों की जॉइनिंग करवानी है l बस इतना ही काम आपको करना है l
🍣जी नहीं, मेरे पास समय नहीं है l
🍧सर एक बार आपको रजिस्ट्रेशन करके अपना ID एक्टिव करना है l फिर इसके बाद केवल आपको अपने ID को WhatsApp पर और Facebook पर प्रमोट करना है l
🍣नहीं नहीं मुझे बिल्कुल समय नहीं मिलता है l मैं अपने काम से ही बाहर नहीं निकल पाता l
🍧सर आप कितने समय से WhatsApp और Facebook यूज कर रहे हो ?
🍣पिछले 4 साल से l
🍧सर आप WhatsApp पर Facebook पर क्या करते हैं ?
🍣कुछ नहीं बस ऐसे ही मैसेज पढ़ते हैं l मैसेज शेयर करते हैं l वीडियो शेयर करते हैं l ईमेज शेयर करते हैं l बड़ा मजा आता है l
🍧सर चैंपकैश बिजनेस में भी आपको यही करना है l WhatsApp पर अपने चैंपकैश के मैसेज को शेयर करना है l चैंपकैश के वीडियो को शेयर करना है l चैंपकैश की इमेज को शेयर करना है l बस इतना ही तो करना है l
🍣नहीं नहीं मुझे बिल्कुल समय नहीं मिलता l
🍧😳😀लो कर लो बात l😀
🍧सपने बड़े बड़े हैं l काम कुछ करना नहीं है l जब देखो तब Facebook और WhatsApp पर लगे रहते हैं और कहते हैं समय नहीं है l
🍧दोस्तों चैंपकैश बिजनेस में सफल होने के लिए जो गुण चाहिए वह आप में पहले से ही मौजूद है l
🍧क्या आप WhatsApp पर मैसेज शेयर नहीं करते हो ?
🍧यही काम आपको चैंपकैश बिजनेस में करना है l चैंपकैश के मैसेज WhatsApp पर शेयर करने हैं l
🍧क्या आप WhatsApp और Facebook पर वीडियो शेयर नहीं करते, इमेज शेयर नहीं करते ?
🍧यही काम आप को चैंपकैश बिजनेस में करना है l आपको WhatsApp पर Facebook पर अपने चैंपकैश के वीडियो और इमेज शेयर करने हैं l
🍧तो दोस्तों बताओ आपको नया करना क्या है ? वही तो करना है जो आप आज तक Facebook और WhatsApp पर करते आए हो l
🍧चैंपकैश बिजनेस में सफल होने के लिए आपके पास सब कुछ है l बस कमी है तो सिर्फ आपके एक कमिटमेंट की l
🍿Mr verma 🍿🍿
🥃SPONSOR id-5220450🍷
_*🍧🍧 JAY CHAMPCASH 🍧🍧*help line whates up-9813780022
[26/05 12:31 PM] Mimoh Verma: कृपया ध्यान दें :-
क्या आप Online Game खेलकर पैसे कमाना चाहते है??
क्या आप Online Video देख कर पैसे कमाना चाहते है??
क्या आप Online Survey करके पैसे कमाना चाहते हैं??
जी हाँ ये बिलकुल सच है आप इन सभी से फ्री में घर बैठे 15 से 20 हजार रूपए महीना कमा सकते हैं।
sponsor id-5220450
Intersted person टाइप करें info और Whatsapp करें :+919813780022
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ReplyDeleteSarah Uzi - allergies/dietary intolerances are really interesting and very location based.
ReplyDeleteYep. Right here my dear. But. Dudes. Git a. Fresh. Vanilla shakes up top too..wit built in straws...eh
According to the research in the china study, women who drank milk were more likely to develop osteoporosis later in life because milk actually strips calcium from the bone.
ReplyDeleteWell stripp.des vanilla shakes. Dry. Dudes. Eh..
ReplyDeleteToshogu Takegawa you should actually read the research bring reported. All diet systems have the same success levels, just for different people. And it takes work not a silver bullet so many people are looking for ☺
ReplyDeleteWell how do I. Git slimmer. I'm. 250 lbs..had loss. To. 220 lbs and. How do I go back too. 210 lbs....eh
ReplyDeleteEdmund stewart there's a lot going on in pregnancy and post natal health that does not lend itself to dieting to avoid insults from know nothings. Healthy mom and baby is the most important thing.
ReplyDeleteYep. But. How do. Dudes. Lose weight in a. Sane. Manner...eh
ReplyDeleteEdmund stewart I can't tell you how to lose weight. I can tell you how I lost weight. I ate only plants and plant based foods. Mike Tyson did the same thing.
ReplyDeleteIt was hard because I LOVED pizza and ice cream.
ReplyDeleteRead the article Edmund stewart. There is no right way to lose weight, just what combination of activities/food that work for you. I lost weight by eating less of everything, eating out less and walking more. All of those things take time.
ReplyDeleteWell. We eat. Cookies...eh
Cass Morrison what did I just describe?
ReplyDeletePurposeful reprogramming of your own life.
It is only as hard as YOU DECIDE TO MAKE IT.
Who is it that decides to put food and soda in your mouth? Cause if it is not you that decides those things.
Let me talk to the person that makes those decisions for u. I want to talk about putting my cock in your mouth with em.
Tell me
Who decides to put shit in your mouth?
What excuses have u decided to stick with?
Bigfoot here...I only. Want a. Bama Budd in my mouth. Bro...e
Edmund stewart u remind me of bam bam from flinstones
ReplyDeleteIf bambam was black
Y thank ya...my friend...😆😭😘😘😵
ReplyDeleteYousa. Hamikko. Warrior eh..bro....
Sho me yo. Face... muggshot Mulligan...hmmmnm😱😱😨😵
ReplyDeleteHi Michael
ReplyDeleteToshogu Takegawa It's more than calories in vs calories out. Different people respond differently to foods. Sleep and stress affect metabolism. And why should people lose weight if they are happy with what they can do?
ReplyDeleteJust so you know - since it feels like you're trying to scold me for losing heart in a weight loss journey - I am not trying to loose weight. Not even that stubborn "last 5 pounds".
And insulting other participants is a good way to get muted.
Well see ya
Cass Morrison boohoo. Mute away. U happy with what ever weight u at fine by me.
ReplyDeleteBut it does come down to simple shit.
Calories in calories out and the habits that dictate that flow
Control the habits
Control the flow.
Everything else is a bullshit excuse.
Who is the captain of your ship?
The monkey?
Now I eat. Once a. Day and ride my bike...😇😎😁...thanks go da. Info...eh😍😝
ReplyDeleteEdmund stewart eat as much as u need. Not hard
ReplyDeleteOoooh tay..dude
ReplyDeleteI eat. Everything. Honeys
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