Thursday 15 June 2017

Woohoo! C-16 has passed!

Woohoo! C-16 has passed!

How does this affect me? Not one iota; I don't gain anything and I don't lose anything. Congrats to those to be protected from discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act after Royal Assent. Great that it's happening during Pride month.


  1. I've always been fascinated by people on the wrong side of this issue. They have such an uninformed view (willfully so) that it makes you wonder how they can go vote.

    As an example, my mother in law, born in France and living here since the mid 60's, voiced her support to those opposed to gay marriage in France: "This will destroy the family as we know it".

    We've had gay marriage in Quebec since 2004. The family hasn't been destroyed. She's seen in real life that it doesn't really change anything.

  2. Yeah, I really don't get it either.
