Tuesday 2 January 2018

Self serve is a now legal in Oregon? Wow.

Self serve is a now legal in Oregon? Wow.

I do go to a full service gas-station. Gas is more expensive than the refund but it's the most convenient for me. I also go to self-service stations by myself because fueling (even a) Porsche is not hard.


  1. Wait, is this a joke? Was there an actual law against self-serve gas stations?

  2. In Richmond, B.C., all gas stations have to be full service, still.

  3. Mark Lastiwka​ - this isn't a joke and if you read the comments, some people think pumping gas is a highly skilled job with lots of risk. Apparently they are not up to date with pump technology...

    Gene Chiu​ have to for safety or to ensure payment?

  4. We can pay at the pump in Alberta. I'm pretty sure I've fueled then gone in and paid. I usually just pay at the pump if the choice is given so I might not notice.

  5. Cass Morrison I'm not sure of the reason for the by-law. We already have a law requiring prepayment on all gas purchases due to the death of an attendant trying to prevent a gas and dash.

  6. I'm utterly stunned that there are full service gas stations, I had no idea?? I've never seen one in my life. But what's been even more amazing is the comments I've seen from Oregonians who somehow seem unaware that everyone else pumps gas.
