Friday, 29 June 2018

Ths guy should have gone straight from jail to the airport for deportation and banned from re-rentry. His wife should also be restricted from re-entering Canada along with any out of country financial transactions.

Ths guy should have gone straight from jail to the airport for deportation and banned from re-rentry. His wife should also be restricted from re-entering Canada along with any out of country financial transactions.

These type of people give all immigrants a bad name. When I think of all the immigrants who take jobs away from their families for two years in order to qualify to apply, it makes me want to spit on this guy.

As for his clients, I don't think all of them should be stripped of citizenship and/landed immigrant status. Just the ones who actually falsified residence requirements.

1 comment:

  1. First off.. he made over $10 million, but they level $900k fine on him. Great opportunity to send a message, unfortunately they sent the wrong one. "Commit gross crimes, evade financial penalties and keep 90% of your riches if we do manage to catch you".
    Secondly, isn't there an avenue to seize property based on "proceeds of crime" argument? Even if it's in his wife's name? I'm guessing RCMP/Provincial prosecutors over under staffed/over worked?
