Monday 30 July 2018

Oh the contortions needed to prop up the idea that capitalism is merit based.

Oh the contortions needed to prop up the idea that capitalism is merit based.

We pay for stuff we want because we had good paying jobs that allowed us to save to maintain our lifestyle after retirement. That guy voting for Trump should be asking why his employer isn't paying him more. Efficient goods are cheaper than inefficient (locally produced) goods and he still can't afford them - but the company owners - super rich! Let the US devolve into a Russian style economy that has no middle class. They have inefficient production and are living hand to mouth. I guess it's worth it as long as you can oppress others.


  1. The "American Dream" has destroyed their sanity. The will not touch the super-rich and elite because they believe they are a few hours of extra overtime, or one clever idea for a new gadget, or even one lottery ticket away from joining those super-rich. "Don't want nobody to pee in the pool before I get there with my swim togs!"

  2. I really appreciate CBC's full names for comment posts. "the snarky nazi" (just kidding) has gotten stale.

  3. All choices we can make. Don't be quick to rule out business owners who help their employees succeed. Not all greedy

  4. Absolutely Jason McTavish . Some will work hard along side their employees so all can share in the success the but process is rigged against them.
