Saturday 1 September 2018

I retired so I could get some "nice to get done" stuff for Dad. Spending over a month out here sure did.

I retired so I could get some "nice to get done" stuff for Dad. Spending over a month out here sure did.

Fence painted, check. Shed cleaned up and stuff stored in it rather than under the deck - check. Garage made habitable for daily driver - sadly check. Sadly because that means Dad can't do his hobbies any more. Fred and my brother went on a dump/recycle run. When Dad's wife gets back she can do any reorganizing she wants. Along the way we ended up buying Dad a new lawn mower and doing some front yard work.

It's time to go home.


  1. I've always been told you'll never be so busy as when you retire ... sounds like that's holding true!
