Tuesday 11 September 2018

If I had friends that signed on for hitting children with wood as part of school they would be ex-friends. This revenge not teaching.

If I had friends that signed on for hitting children with wood as part of school they would be ex-friends. This revenge not teaching.

Pretty sure it would be applied unevenly and, as studies show, is not particularly effective.


  1. Me googled and this is a shit school by any measure.

  2. Didnt read article, but if it's just the paddle on the butt then I'm fine with it. They had it when I was a kid. Usually the Coach or Principal gave the punishment out. Kids now days need to learn the consequences of there actions. Time out, yea right. Does nothing for kids. Parents dont usually do anything when there kid acts up, especially in public. To afraid too.

  3. When “thoughts and prayers” aren’t enough. Add assault and battery.

  4. Robbie Fremming, was your post satirical? “There actions,” and “to afraid too.” Sounds like the words of a person who went to a school where the coach taught English and grammar!

  5. Brian Arbenz yes actually one year in high school the Assistant Coach did teach English. I dont see a problem with that. I do see problems today with parents not discipline there kids. They let them loose at stores or restaurants. They let them scream or turn around and watch you eat. Kids tell there parents NO. Kids are not afraid of parents or authorities. You can see it on many police shows shows

  6. In Grade 9 our football coach taught English. We read Animal Farm (which I hated but he cajoled me into completing) and a bunch of Sci-Fi. He was pretty awesome. I do not agree that beating children, however lightly, results in better behaved children when they are not under direct threat.

    But I also don't see parents letting their children loose at stores or restaurants or condoning anti-social behaviour in public. Most likely because I live in an affluent area where parents have the time and money to be as involved with their children as they want to be and I understand kids are imperfect people.

    There are parents that will support their kid no matter what but those are usually parents of bullies who have raised their kids on majority might makes right.

  7. Cass Morrison I guess you dont watch many police shows then. Most young adults on that show can't follow directions from police or they want to give back take to them when told to shut up or sit here or keep hands up. All starts with parents that dont parent. I just love going to a nice sitdown restaurant and have to listen to someone else's kid scream, stand up in chair( not safe for child), and parents dont care or stop it.

  8. No I don't watch police (or any "reality") shows because they are edited for entertainment value and to give whatever message the producer wants to give. I do watch border control shows though. Some people comply and some don't - almost like age doesn't matter.

    Insisting that the only way to parent is to beat children for infractions doesn't get you a quiet restaurant meal unless you are willing to watch a child get beaten in a restaurant for being non-compliant. I've been to a lot of different restaurants and even long haul red eye flights. I haven't encountered parents who shrug off disruptive behaviour. I have had parents make eye contact and apologize though.
