Friday 7 September 2018

Very easy to forget just how much women were at the mercy of random men ho didn't have to lead their lives.

Very easy to forget just how much women were at the mercy of random men ho didn't have to lead their lives.


  1. I feel like this is still an issue. We can pretend we're better than this but my OBGYN refused to tie my tubes after kid #1 even though I was sure I didn't want anymore at 30. I have two now and they are ridiculously close together in age (again refused to tie my tubes at 31), only in the past year or so have I felt even close to back to normal emotionally from dealing with all of that. I've gotten a secret IUD because of a pregnancy scare after kid #2 and that I don't trust my partner to respect my bodily boundaries if he knew I had it.

  2. Someone I know had an elective C-section and during the delivery one of the assisting doctors was insisting to know why she was obliged. Eventually the OB said: "Because she wants to. It's not up for discussion.".
    After I heard the story I wondered what difference would it make to have that discussion over the choice of someone present, cut open, conscious, scared, and half paralyzed? I mean not that it was any of his business, but he could ask in private or in a situation that was less traumatizing for the mom to be.
