Saturday, 7 November 2015

I'm a big genre fan. Growing up I read either Sci-fi or mysteries...from the library. My main authors were Christie, Sayers, Norton, and McCafferty. I loved Arthur C. Clarke, Jack Chalker and Ben Bova as well.

I'm a big genre fan. Growing up I read either Sci-fi or mysteries...from the library. My main authors were Christie, Sayers, Norton, and McCafferty. I loved Arthur C. Clarke, Jack Chalker and Ben Bova as well. 

One of my earliest memories is of a sci-fi story that took place in 2000 and the protagonist was a 40 y o scientist. That could be me, I thought, except for being a man:) I don't find as much time to read as I used to. I can't afford to buy as many books as I would like to read and our library doesn't always have the latest e-books to borrow.

What do you read?


  1. Nowadays mainly historical nonfiction. I have a biography of James Cook I'm currently working on.

  2. I move with the times. Why wouldn't everyone want to read modern books?

    Let's break out a copy of Beowulf's Ballad, or some Shakespeare, and forget about all of that newfangled garbage! The older the better. Anyone got some stone tablets with pictographs I can borrow? Not sure where his line should be drawn ^_^
