Tuesday 22 December 2015

For an offer from SwiftKey for some seasonal keyboards so I'm back using it. I've adjusted the keyboard to take less screen room and added a theme, really fun. When you tap there is a Christmas tree and swipe to see snow fall and collect. Now to train again. Autocorrect will be boobytrapping me again. Sigh, this really is a tap keyboard not flow.

For an offer from SwiftKey for some seasonal keyboards so I'm back using it. I've adjusted the keyboard to take less screen room and added a theme, really fun. When you tap there is a Christmas tree and swipe to see snow fall and collect. Now to train again. Autocorrect will be boobytrapping me again. Sigh, this really is a tap keyboard not flow.


  1. A Christmas theme is not going to get me to use it again. I use Swype because of the superior gesture typing. I also like Swype's landscape split layout much better.

  2. I usually use Swype as well. I find with Swiftkey I am distracted by the suggestions.

  3. I don't use flow and I love this keyboard. I have tried all the others and I always come back to Swiftkey
