Thursday 31 December 2015

So tonight it's Chappie

So tonight it's Chappie

Again I'm asking, with my John Wick and Snowpiercer track record, how many y times will I feel the need to jump up and leave lol.


  1. It's not as gruesome, but you'll feel it emotionally :)

  2. I haven't seen it, but the reviewers I trust most said it sucked..... I can't bring myself to waste the time.

  3. It was aight. It was an odd genre, though ... like, part of it seemed like it was targeting kids, but then the violence aspect was definitely not for kids. I remember thinking, "Wow, that was kinda weird," at the end.

  4. After watching the trailer, I couldn't help matching many of scenes to Short Circuit and the plot appears to be identical. For sure I'll watch Chappie.

  5. I think the weirdness is due the the South African cultural setting Michael Ireland​ when we expect more Canada with accents.

  6. Well, I work with several South Africans (one lady is our process safety manager), so the accent is cool ... For me the weirdness was the odd niche for the audience. Decent enough story, though ... And the weirdness might be enough to keep it from becoming one of the multitudes, if you know what I mean.

  7. We know lots of South Africans as well. The movie is kind of niche.
