Tuesday 29 December 2015

Started playing over Christmas. This is fun even though I lost.

Started playing over Christmas. This is fun even though I lost.


  1. I've wanted to try the physical game but haven't had the opportunity yet.

  2. We played at Christmas, it was fun. This works well for play and pass if you don't want to get the board game.

  3. There's nothing like playing a board game in the company of people you know.  Playing board games on mobile devices just doesn't compare.  You lose that social aspect.

  4. ...the social aspect of your best friends conniving and backstabbing you for dominance on the board. Good times 😁

  5. You're right Gene Chiu​​ and that's why I don't play a lot of online games. We do play stuff on mobile devices where we pass back and forth but only on holidays where we've had restricted packing. and Mike Trieu​​ it's important that the level of backstabbing and gloating be acceptable to everyone. I don't play cards with some family because I find the celebratory gloating to be off putting.

    Nephew said he went to a boardgames bar. I would totally go to one of those.

  6. Cass Morrison I try to match the game with the game group.  Some people actually love the back stabbing aspects of some games.  Others prefer less confrontational games.  There are a wide variety of games for any type of player.  Of course, everyone in the play group has to get along which sometimes may not happen when things get competitive.

    There are a number of food/drink establishments in Metro Vancouver where you can play board games.  Pizzeria Ludica is a restaurant where you can play games.  On some nights, the winner gets a prize like a free dessert.  There is also Storm Crow which is a board game bar and The Hide Out Cafe which is a board game coffee shop.
