Wednesday 13 April 2016

If you want to cook a pizza super quick just heat up your oven to 550 then broil your pizza for 4 minutes.

If you want to cook a pizza super quick just heat up your oven to 550 then broil your pizza for 4 minutes.

Or you could buy an appliance for your counter top. We have a tawa so we don't worry about breaking pizza stones.


  1. I'm a fan of throwing my pizza right on the grill.

  2. Yep. I'll normally pre-fire the crust, then bring it in to top it, and back out she goes. It came with the Napoleon pizza stone, but honestly, I've never used it.

  3. You can also broil a cast iron frying pan in the oven, flip it over and cook the pizza dough on the back of the frying pan. The cast iron heats up a little higher than the temperature of the oven. Takes just a few minutes.
