Monday 4 July 2016

Do you do on line purchasing from your phone?

Do you do on line purchasing from your phone?

I have to admit that I do most of my purchasing from my computer because I try to use the airmiles portal. Next up would be my tablet. I think it's because the mobile screen is too small to compare things. Why face that hassle if I can just use a different mode. One exception is e-books.

What are your purchase habits?


  1. I only have so much money. Whyy does it matter if I'm on mobile or the computer the amount of billions will not change.

  2. I buy books and download them, I buy music and listen to it. I don't read or listen to music with my laptop, why would I buy it there? An extra, pointless step. My phone is with me and usually the laptop is folded up waiting for something that involves a lot of typing, scanning, spreadsheets, etc. The phone does everything else because it's convenient and easy, and also secure, but mostly easy

  3. Tim Ebl I think this article is mainly talking about physical objects.

  4. A lot of my spending money is planned out. In a list on my desktop.
    I can also hunt through 100 items getting the best deal quickly.

  5. Well, I buy physical objects the exact same way. With my daily computer, my phone.
