Sunday 4 September 2016

Well, my take after using it for a shorter period of time:

Well, my take after using it for a shorter period of time:
"It's needlessly complicated, and that's not a play on the word complications."


  1. I did read that article a few months ago, and it was filled with the usual complaints. Mostly, people thinking that smartwatches were somehow going to change their lives.

    I think 'we' have weeded out the people with unrealistic expectations and now just people that enjoy them, use them.

    My experience with Apple Watch is different than the article. The Watch has become such a SIMPLE added convenience (like your description of the S2) that I can't see going without it anymore. I got so used to wearing it, and Android Wear was so bad in comparison, that I could only use my Droids for a day or two before going back to iPhone.

    Now I have a Gear S2 and I will say its significantly better than AW. That makes me happy, something to wear when using my Androids :)

  2. I thought the Apple watch was strange. First it was going to be not just a small screen extension (like AW) then it was. I think developers didn't know what to make of it either. It will be figured out.

  3. This article reflects my thoughts on all smart watches. They can do some cool things, but does not do enough or makes things more convenient enough to be worth the price or the trouble of wearing it.
