Monday 10 October 2016

A new kite-driven power station is being built near Stranraer in Scotland, and will be one of the first large-scale commercial power stations of its kind.

A new kite-driven power station is being built near Stranraer in Scotland, and will be one of the first large-scale commercial power stations of its kind.

Kite-driven power stations are a relatively new idea. The concept involves using multiple kites to harness wind power and drive turbines on the ground. The kite is attached to the ground-based turbines with a tether, and when the wind forces the kite to rise, the tether spins the turbine to generate electricity. By using a system with two kites, in which one rises as the other falls, power can be generated continuously.

The firm building the power station, Kite Power Systems, says its system is so cheap and cost-effective that it won't need a government subsidy, unlike most renewable energy plants.

(Of possible interest to Scott FW.)