Saturday 28 January 2017

A replacement license is $23. That's a big tear.

A replacement license is $23. That's a big tear.

That is a deterrent sized fine for government issued ID that is cheap and relatively easy to replace. They simply mail you a reprint. Perhaps this guy need to recognize some priorities. He's intermittently employed in a small town.


  1. And a disagreement at our house. Not a big tear, meanie cops.

  2. Uh, I'd seriously sit this one before a judge -- read the traffic act cited. That license does not fit that definition. As for "giving him a break"? What was he doing when they pulled him over? If they're saying that based on a call about a vehicle that simply "matched the description" of his, without even a partial license plate, there is nothing there that could hold water in court either. That's a serious pile of BS and I hope this guy wins it - and a public apology.

  3. He was pulled over for erratic driving.

  4. He was pulled over for matching the description of an erratic driver. "One of the officers told Balay they'd had a tip about a swerving car that matched the description of his Honda Accord." Unless the police witnessed any erratic driving, or someone has photo/video evidence, there is no material evidence to charge him with it. Even a license plate number with the description could be deemed material evidence for the charge.

    This reads like the cop knew he couldn't lay that charge, but found something trivial (and causes zero harm to ANYBODY) to make the stop worth his time. If they had enough actual evidence to press the careless driving charge, you can be absolutely certain they would have. But they didn't. A 'break' is writing 10km/h off a speeding ticket. This was just being a .... something.

  5. I got a break with a speeding ticket written off as a warning ($150) but my car was still towed ($200) and I was still fined ($150) for not having a ($90) registration sticker. And I was lucky not to be in Sask where insurance is tied to registration so I dodged a $3K fine for no registration. We (2 humans + 2 dogs) even got a ride home.

    Out here the cops do use discretion so to me it reads like they could have ticketed him for much more. Still, he can go to court to fight it but could have avoided the whole thing by paying $23 one time while in Edmonton (if not Camrose) to get a replacement license when this one got torn.

  6. Obviously. But at the same time, is it commonly known that a cracked license is considered a $400+ chargeable offence? Couldn't tell you if it is in Ontario, and I'm betting if polled, over 90% of Albertans didn't know about it before this story either.
