Monday 10 April 2017

Surprise - Politician in Canada obstruficate as well.

Surprise - Politician in Canada obstruficate as well.

1. If people success when they've been beaten every day it's IN SPITE of how they were treated.
2. We are still "hearing" you justify horrifying racist behaviour towards indigenous families. You're not in jail so your freedom of speech is not being infringed. Your children have not been taken away and treated as incipient criminals.

I'm pretty sure we don't need a representative for "it wasn't so bad, some people overcame that so let's not do anything" on a truth and reconciliation committee. That's the viewpoint of pretty well every white person who hasn't thought about the implications. That unthinking attitude is what prevents us from _ ... truly improve our great country ..._


  1. Ah, she's the pride of my city right now ... we kept waiting for reports of some kind of attacks on her son's businesses in retaliation for the comments. I do understand what she was trying to say - there WERE some who had a good experience in the residential schools. My wife works with at least one. But those handful of cases can't justify the generations of torment and cycle of abuse it caused for the rest of them. My wife works at the local native friendship center, so she gets all sorts of first hand accounts.

    There IS a small grain of truth in what Beyak said. And she does have the right to say it. But she's going to struggle to find much support for her words. Especially from all those who didn't have a grand old time at sleep-away school. I mean, I'm sure the Naxi party did great things for a handful of families in the 1930s. But ask a holocaust survivor how they enjoyed the Reich.

  2. I'm trying to find out what her qualifications are for being a senator (or even for having run for office, originally). Being a car dealership owner, it seems does not prepare you for the grander problems of public policy.

    And trying to bring light to public officials statements is the job of media. They are not being parasitic. Where do the conservatives find these idiots ?

  3. Having seen some of the application process for Senate positions (wrote a recommendation for someone last year) ... I have no idea. Then again, she was appointed, there was no process outside of maybe involvement with the party at the local level.

    If you find any qualifications for the post, please let us know ... we're still trying to figure that out ourselves. lol

  4. She looks very much like the Ferguson, Mo. city clerk when she defended her sending out racist emails to the police on the city web site. Same fake innocent dopey smile. Two of a kind.

  5. Senators are appointed in Canada and it's usually an opportunity to reward a buddy.

  6. In America, contrastingly, senators are elected and it's usually an opportunity to reward a buddy.

  7. Cass Morrison True, but they DID open up the process to applications last year. Not quite elected, but slightly more opportunity than the old direct party appointment system. I'd like to see an elected senate, or just get rid of it altogether. How many times have they ever actually turned back a bill passed in the House vs. rubber stamping approval? Seems more wasteful than a chamber of 'sober second thought'.
