Sunday 21 May 2017

This is the best May Long in a while weather wise.

This is the best May Long in a while weather wise.

I'm so glad we've cut out the traveling on long weekends. We are the only ones working so if family wants to see us they can visit. Everything was just waiting to blossom and even the nights are pretty warm.


  1. It's pissin down rain on us here on St Joe's Island..... But a rainy day off still beats a sunny day at work, so we're not complaining.

    Got a little damp out for a morning walk with m wife... Which is a great excuse for a hot shower, warm coffee, butter tarts for lunch in front of a fire.

    We're all hygge up in this bitch!


  2. We even have Family Day on different days.

  3. Can someone tell me the why it is called, "May 2 4" in some places?

  4. - Victoria Day - Wikipedia

    Coupled with the fact that a case of beer in Canada is often called a TwoFour (despite the fact that most cases of beer have more than 24 bottles now) and every long weekend needs at least ONE case of beer.....


  5. I thought is would be because it usually fell around the 24th. Go figure. I've never actually heard it called that.

  6. Clinton Hammond Learned something new today. I don't drink, so I'm not familiar with terms relating to alcohol.

  7. My grandmother is fond of saying "Sure never trust a fellow who doesn't drink when he's alive because he sure as hell can't start when he's dead"

