Tuesday 27 June 2017

Canada celebrates Confederation on July 1st.🇨🇦

Canada celebrates Confederation on July 1st.🇨🇦

As far as country ages go, 150 is an odd birthday to pick for Canada. Why not a date from the 1600s? Or the 1760s after the battle of Abraham? I get 1982 doesn't give us the gravitas wanted for a G7 country but it would make sense and be inclusive. OTOH this is when we were one country coast to coast. Nothing highlights the oddity of nation building like our arbitrary birthday.

But I will enjoy the fireworks, I've got my 🍁 tshirt and jandals.



  1. My conversation on topics like this usually goes along the lines of "well, when do you celebrate your anniversary?" there's when you met, your first date, proposals, etc... there's lots of 'firsts' and activity prior to the official date you use to celebrate...

  2. Great point Ryan Moore​ well said. I still think it should be our 50,000th birthday, according to some theorist.
