Friday 30 June 2017

No financial crisis? Debt is no problem.

No financial crisis? Debt is no problem.

The government should continue to crack down on lenders making sure they have the capital to survive a downturn and that they are assessming borrowers appropriately. And yes, they should tax those investment properties higher if they are standing empty - if you can afford an empty house, you can afford more taxes because our culture - sustained by the government - stops squatters from laying claim to it.

Some day I'll really have to look at the background data so I can have an informed opinion. I'm sure people around here have a high debt load but we've been hit with the oil price fall out so we're well aware of the perils of over-inflated house prices. Two years ago when we started looking at places to retire, we could have had $200K added to our retirement fund. Now we'd break almost even on the same place and in a year we'll be priced out unless the US implodes its oil production.

1 comment:

  1. ...the Government isn't going to cracking down on anyone they are a major player in this game of debt Rocco Galti court challenge against the Bank of Canada, which I point out is a crown corporation...
