Thursday 8 June 2017

Was never a fan of Klein's policies.

Was never a fan of Klein's policies.

Busy cutting expenses to companies on the backs of women. When the economy tanks during his tenure he cut back on education (teachers - mostly women), public servants (mostly women) and nurses (mostly women). To add insult to injury, when he announced the cut to nurses the union tried to get ahead of the curve by identifying those would were willing to take one for the team.. So he demanded a second 5% cut. I don't know why workers have such an adversarial relationship with employers. /sarc

As for the announced leadership bid for a yet unformed party - there was a candidate with those ideals (fiscally conservative yet socially progressive) running for leadership and he got the big nope. Conservatives in Alberta would like to be Trumpites but Canadian law doesn't allow for complete abandonment of its citizenry in the same way the US seems to.

What do people mean by fiscally responsible anyway? I want budgets on line with broad terms that are understandable. I also want to see that taxes for specific elements - ie carbon tax - gets spent on developing infrastructure related to renewable/sustainable. I expect the cost of accountability and auditing to be high but once in place. And I see that in place certainly in the PDCA management system being implemented at the federal level.


  1. Sounds like a proper conservative. Is that what PC stands for?
    I've heard progressive, but I've seen no progress.

  2. There were in the past, I think but you're probably right.
