Thursday 6 July 2017

Culture is not a conspiracy.

Culture is not a conspiracy.

The killer didn't make a secret of his plans because jealousy and revenge is seen as "romantic" and most people don't kill someone who ends a relationship regardless of how they talk. Had the students said anything to her or the police I don't think there would have been a change in outcome. At some point she would let her guard down and until then she would have lived under a cloud of fear and suspicion. I'm surprised at least one teacher wasn't aware of what was going on although not the details (or the degree) Since Skylar quit school there wouldn't be much they could do about it in tangible terms.

It's not that long ago that the response to a woman having a stalker/abuser was to tell the woman to move and change their identity because the stalker is that committed to the self rewarding behaviour. With access to communitiies that cheer stalker behaviour there's an element of social approval from a peer group.

Nothing will bring Hannah back but at least, in the end the justice system made the right decision.


  1. ...did you actually think about what you wrote ??? if this is what you consider your culture I feel pity for you...

  2. Police are getting better at investigating domestic violence, especially in Canada. This is domestic violence and there is very uneven application of the laws so who knows how it would have gone.

    I'm happy you live in a culture that doesn't glorify jealousy and stalking as romantic, kids tell their parents everything and it's all investigated by the police. Where is that again?

  3. I must add I'm lucky enough to live in a country where brushing that behaviour off is safe most of the time. It was probably unbelievable to everyone.
