Sunday 20 August 2017

... coming from groups that continuously exist.

... coming from groups that continuously exist.

Well researched OpEd. That the highest level of action comes from those under 18 shows we can use education and must make less harmful social activities (sports, maker activities) more available.


  1. I took it to mean don't be complacent so you don't get surprised.

  2. The article says, "According to Statistics Canada, young people under the age of 18 are the largest proportion of people who commit hate crimes motivated by religion, race and sexual orientation."

    Doesn't speak well for a lot of parents, when their children still have so much growing up to do.

  3. It takes every one to support parents...including the social media companies who don't follow their own harassment policies.

  4. Actually Gareth Owen​, being prepared allowed Vancouver and Boston to have peaceful rallies.
