Tuesday 10 October 2017

It's never enough to tell people to change. Suggestions for how are essential.

It's never enough to tell people to change. Suggestions for how are essential.

Just like thoughts and prayers. It's easy to tell people to do something then blame them when efforts fail. The hard work is in creating and implementing change. In this case, why are people taking opioids, is there an effective alternative behaviour

... before they'll change their behavior, most people need to feel empowered to do so. The technical name for the feeling is self-efficacy. Without that self-confidence, the CDC's opioid campaign just makes viewers sad and afraid, emotions they may deal with unproductively...

The example they use is drinking and driving. Don't drink and drive is a slogan. Check stops (and charging bars who serve drunk people) are a deterrent, designated driver is a action a group can take.

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