Friday 13 October 2017

The themes in Blade Runner 2049 really worked for me. I liked this movie better where Fred felt it didn't have the drama of Roy Batty so it was a little lacking. We both enjoyed it though.

The themes in Blade Runner 2049 really worked for me. I liked this movie better where Fred felt it didn't have the drama of Roy Batty so it was a little lacking. We both enjoyed it though.

1 comment:

  1. Denis Villeneuve didn't create a "sequel" so much as let Hampton Fancher write another story with many of the same characters. For people who wanted the gritty violence, they got that with the death of Sapper Morton. This story can't be dissected into Real and Unreal: sure, we think we know what's real, like Deckard. It's never so simple as that, the evanescent beauty of the recreated Rachel - Deckard sees right through it.

    There are a host of little literary references embedded throughout. Joi gives K is given the "human" name Joe. Sorry, that was pretty obvious: "Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K., he knew he had done nothing wrong but, one morning, he was arrested.'

    - Kafka, The Trial. Josef K never does find out the charges.
