Saturday 14 October 2017

Time for a second personal cell phone in this household.

Time for a second personal cell phone in this household.

Fred only had a work phone that he doesn't want to use for personal stuff too much so I got a second line and this device. Marques Brownlee said this is one of the best budget phones in a video I watched earlier and Fred really wanted an iPhone as he likes his work one.

He does use android tablets but the one phone he had (Sony Z3C) was really unreliable and failed every time he went to use it. Part of it was probably because he's used to unlimited data on his work phone. The other was it wasn't that great a phone for either of us.

I got him on a Sask plan so it wasn't worth it to buy outright and do a BYOD.


  1. After trudging through the set up for him I happily went back to my S8.

  2. Enjoy! I won't be touching another iPhone LOL

  3. I also prefer to keep my work phone and personal phone separate. I can use my work phone for personal use as long as I reimburse my company for any personal calls and usage. I just like being able to turn off my work device at the end of my work day. I also don't want to be disturbed by personal notifications at work.

  4. While they're certainly not for me, a lot of people are very happy with their iPhones. It's what works for the person using it. My wife has an iPhone for work, and I was actually surprised that when I upgraded her this summer, she DIDN'T want a personal iPhone. Prefers Android. I think my daughter is hinting for an iPhone upgrade in the future though. She's mildly deluded. LOL

  5. Gene Chiu​​ that's why I got him this, plus better to do the pre retirement spending while earning😁 I don't have a work phone (which actually means dealing with work stuff 24/7). The problem was, on vacation he wouldn't have a phone so would expect to use mine. I use mine to all the time so it was annoying.

    Chris Pollard​​​ i agree he should get what he will use so I bit the bullet and did the initial tech support. He is just so used to tech support for everything he didn't even install his screen protector - I did it so I wouldn't have to look at the shipping plastic LOL. He would be fine with a feature phone actually. My alternative pick for him was more expensive.

    Fun fact, in my family the women have Android (Samsung) phones while the men keep is simple with the cheapest iPhone.
