Saturday 4 November 2017

Environment minister confronts Rebel reporter about 'climate Barbie' name

Environment minister confronts Rebel reporter about 'climate Barbie' name


  1. Bullying does not stop if you never confront the bullies. It is not the bullying victim's fault in any way. She did right asking them to stop. However, if the bullies are really determined they won't stop anyway. In that case, you need to either stop them by force or by blocking them out. In any case, bullying is never the victim's fault. The only one to blame is the bully - in this case Rebel. They are 100% wrong and Catherine is 100% right.

  2. As a Minister she can't block a "Reporter". There was already a kerfuffle about the Rebel getting media access to political media pool

  3. It is a shame the yellow press is using bullying tactics. Provocation sells clicks. They are wrong, but being wrong attracts attention.
