Tuesday 7 November 2017

Marks/Windriver has been working well for me lately.

Marks/Windriver has been working well for me lately.

Got some great slip on shoes that will work for walking the dogs in rain and mud and today I scored a pair of cold weather jeans that are comfortable and fit well! Usually I can't find my size (I'm kind of small) but today I had 3 styles to choose from and they were 30% off! I don't want to stock up on too many work clothes because...well won't need them in a few months and we do get uniforms. As long and I don't gain weight they should be good for some years.


  1. I've never really liked Wind River products, to be honest. Never fit me right, and sometimes their quality leaves me disappointed. Still, a good deal is a good deal, and if they fit you properly then it sounds like a win, for sure!

  2. It really varies for me. The tops definitely don't work.

  3. Ya, many of the tops don't work for me, except the hoodies. My proportions are a little long in the torso and shorter in the leg than someone else at my height, so it throws everything off.
