Wednesday 27 December 2017

Visions Under Construction: How many devices is too many?

Visions Under Construction: How many devices is too many?
After hours of rebooting watches, phones and routers, do you still love the technology that surrounds many of us? Are you concerned about security and privacy? Are we living in a geek utopia or headed for a dismal dystopia? What is your vision of how we live this? These are a few of the questions I hope to ask folks who participate.
Wednesday Dec 27th at 4 PM GMT (11AM EST)
This is a Hangout on Air and also will be accessible to express yourself live by phone. More info <- join and explore VUC Mastodon!


  1. I don't want my fridge or tv reporting (spying) on me, not to mention all the other connected devices, but someone thought the perfect gift for me this year was a wi-fi connected outdoor thermometer which I can access through my phone...the only possible use of this I can see is to extend my southern vacation when I see the temp at home below zero. :)

  2. Gareth Owen Step 1 VPN, Step 2 change admin pswd, Step 3 Disable IOT connections if possible, Step 4 tinfoil on windows...😄

  3. I'm embracing my enslaved future with nonexistent privacy. Connected lights, connected outlets, 4 mini audio spy stations (listen in! Discover just how boring my life really is!), and a whole bunch of little bits coming in January to help me build my own connected doodads and whatnottery. Live in the now! There are no guarantees about tomorrow. I just wish I could change all the trigger words to, "Computer!"

  4. Smart phone, but with the internet disabled unless there's a home wifi (on it now, sitting in a house where it connects automagically) a tab, same thing.. A desktop PC at home, hardwired to the router..
    A bunch of laptops I rarely use, oh, and a bluetooth speaker I play music too off my phone..

    That's about it
