Tuesday 9 January 2018

Clicked a promoted Twitter link and got to a very interesting survey on Canadian Justice. Now I can't find it again :(

Clicked a promoted Twitter link and got to a very interesting survey on Canadian Justice. Now I can't find it again :(

I would share the link but I can't find it again on twitter. I found 2 pieces of disturbing information. A lot of criminal charges are the result of things like parole violations. Isn't that like deporting people for stealing bread? Also, lots of cases are dismissed because they took too long to get to the judge. I know understand why Alberta decriminalized drunk driving.

1 comment:

  1. My wife has seen far too many 'breach of conditions' problems in her work. (Previously as a police dispatcher ... now in social service) The deck gets stacked SO hard against some of these people, there's almost no chance for them to not become a repeat offender. You can't just court order people who have substance abuse problems to conditions to abstain from that which they are addicted to, without any form of treatment, and not expect to see them back in custody. The punishments mount, but the treatment often isn't even available. It's definitely a problem we've seen locally with the justice system.
