Sunday 28 January 2018

I don't worry about version updates from Samsung as long as I get security updates.

I don't worry about version updates from Samsung as long as I get security updates.

Samsung usually has so much already there I don't really notice big improvements after the update or a big change in the interface. Everyone is different but I've learned to chill. Maybe because my UAE S6 got updated so early.


  1. Better to push it out slowly than play hurry up and hey bugs.

  2. still have my sony xperia z1 and it be smooth af

  3. Do they have Project Fi in Canada yet?

    I left Verizon 3 years ago for Google's Project Fi. I get updates as they come out. I got Android 8.1 just yesterday. I recommend it if you can get it in Canada.

  4. Many Android users get upset with their phone if some other Android phone has a slightly higher OS version than theirs.

  5. Greg Milner no project fi yet here.

  6. I used to be much more 'update-focused' than I am now. Nightlies, beta builds, flashy-flashy all the things. Apparently I used to have too much free time. Don't get me wrong, I still want to see security patches pushed out, and bug fixes where there are problems in an update, but I just want my phone to do its job and work when I want/need it to. I have too many other distractions in my life to worry about what version of what is on my phone.
