Sunday 21 January 2018

Very complex problem and impossible without assistance from the home country.

Very complex problem and impossible without assistance from the home country.

When I think of refugees, I think how hard it would be to implement a policy within Canada where people would have to move to areas where their work skill is needed. Most people just don't want to leave their homes, much less country. Perhaps a flat $20k relocation allowance that must be repaid if there is any further attempt to immigrate? People must have something to go back to so governments need to have more structured and accountable assistance in home countries.


  1. Generous humane repatriation allowances?
    You lot are so evolved...
    Such a sensible approach never occurred to me I'm ashamed to admit.
    I'm going to ask around on this...I've no idea what if anything the US alots in this regard.

  2. We aren't allotting yet, we're looking at it. (I hadn't really thought about it at all. Just like I don't really think about how refugees get ripped off every step of the way so previously middle up upper income people end up impoverished)

    It costs an average of $15K to send unwilling people home. Why not actually reward people who go willing, like the EU does, and clear the courts. $20K would help them get set up and not come back unless they pay it back.
