Saturday 20 January 2018

Conservatives in Canada lie too and bluster when called on it. Their constituents seem to like it.

Conservatives in Canada lie too and bluster when called on it. Their constituents seem to like it.

Supposedly Alberta was banning SK plates on work sites. When asked to provide proof, SK government declined. And SK had been trying to lure businesses out of Alberta with tax breaks, under the table of course because that's against interprovincial trade rules.

With the plate thing, people living here in town couldn't work for the City because some facilities are on the Saskatchewan side. And rather than face the people they would be affecting they want to meet in Medicine Hat. We have a Conservative MLA but he's not as right wing inhuman as the MLAs down south.


  1. Wow. Just ... wow. These are the best people we can find to run our provinces?? Kick 'em all out, ban 'em from politics, and start over. Good lord ...

  2. Actually, Notley is doing quite well. Wall is something else but people in SK like him. (Alberta doesn't ban Saskatchewan plates.)
