Wednesday 23 May 2018

If you are going to have long hours you may as well be a franchise owner.

If you are going to have long hours you may as well be a franchise owner.

What better way to get into small business than franchising? Alberta has tax laws carved out to help small business and there can be a consistent product offered. Way better than the pyramids like schemes that home businesses seem based on as they don't rely on selling to friends and pursuing others to sell the product. Of course you have to be personable as you have employees and customers but the franchise operation would hopefully help with that as well.


  1. Several different franchise brands here in Oz .. the poor bastards who have purchased many of them are going to the wall and losing the lot..
    Killed by the fine print in the contracts.

  2. When you buy a franchise you have to be really aware of how pyramid dependent it is and whether you're a business person. I guess it can fail just like any other business through. Most of the ones that fail are ones that rely on you getting more people to sell your stuff.

  3. Yeah, as someone who helps businesses start up, the killer is the franchise agreement... i've seen a few that are great and easy to get into, and i've seen others that are just astronomical that it's better to go it as something 'similar' but not franchise.

    we're kinda lucky being in a bit of an isolated region so bigger franchises that larger cities may know of already, we won't ... so that franchise may not carry as much klout
