Sunday, 17 June 2018

Father's, this is your day! Hope you choose to spend it with your family😁

Father's, this is your day! Hope you choose to spend it with your family😁

Relationships with fathers wax and wane. When I was a kid it was great. 15 to 25 was shakey to awful. 25 to now great again.

Tip for fathers from a daughter. Trust what you have taught. My parents taught (and modeled) education first, create a family later or be prepared to make choices. Yes as a teen my hormones surprised even me but the lack of trust was hurtful. Like many teenagers I went the - if your going to condemn be for this action I haven't done then I will do this action.


  1. Interesting perspective. I personally would say 15 to 45...but that was me.

  2. Your mileage may differ:) It's a matter of luck how well you recover though.

  3. Yeah you're spot on.
    Things didn't really simmer down until 1) dad got into his eighties 2) mom passed.
    I can say his last 15 or so years we got on pretty well.
    He passed in 2014 just short of his 97th birthday.
    By then I think both of us had grown up quite a bit.

  4. I think a lot of parents feel they do a poor job then panic when their kids get at all rebellious.
