Wednesday, 20 June 2018

If US actions WRT separating families produce an effective alternative in Canada, there will be one good outcome.

If US actions WRT separating families produce an effective alternative in Canada, there will be one good outcome.

TL;DR 151 minors detained with parents and average of 13 days. 20 families separated. Men (unfairly) get separated and allowed short visits. There are always questions about how directives are followed - bullies should not be given the opportunity. The move towards community housing - perhaps at decommissioned PMQs - would be a good alternative although those PMQs are often on valuable (aka high tax value to the municipality) land.


  1. Canada separated 11 children last year. The United Hates separated 2,000 in 6 weeks. No comparison.

  2. no it's not but we have a different culture it seems.
