Friday 20 July 2018

I feel like dancing used to be more of a thing. Is it oldfashioned?

I feel like dancing used to be more of a thing. Is it oldfashioned?

I didn't marry a dancer so mostly I dance in exercise class and sometimes while cleaning. With previous BF we used to go dancing spontaneously like we'd decide to go ski. Different times...for me at least.


  1. I spent some years in tango. Tango is its own culture. Even in Argentina, these days, it's become something of an elderly curio, yet it still has its devotees.

    The French have a euphemism for orgasm, le petit mort , the little death. But honestly, sex, for all its glories and joys seems so utterly prosaic, compared to what dance offers. In dance, we are given some insight into the essence of desire. - Oblivion

  2. I took a Latin dancing class at a club in Edmonton in the late 90s with a girlfriend. It was lots of fun, but didn't last forever. Rochelle likes to shake her bootie, but she's not much for any formal style of dancing - even something as basic as Jiving. So these days, we do get up at events and weddings and whatnot, I just don't make her waltz, or 2-step, or samba. We just shake, wiggle, and flail like no one is watching.
