Sunday 15 July 2018

It's time for USian to stop holding up Canada as a progressive ideal. Our federal structure just doesn't let us shoot ourselves in the foot as badly.

It's time for USian to stop holding up Canada as a progressive ideal. Our federal structure just doesn't let us shoot ourselves in the foot as badly.

Ontario - may seem like it should be progressive - it has Toronto after all. But of all the provinces it seems to me to be the most heavily influenced by US politics. Ford is a white businessman who has never been accountable to the public for his business practices so he can portray them any way he wants. It will be interesting to see if he brings in any government transparency. It also bears the brunt of illegal immigration, which does need to be better dealt with at the Federal level.

If less wealthy USians are temporarily indisposed billionaires then many white Canadians are USians at heart. It's ok to "win" through cheating - that is breaking treaties with indigenous people; bullying is bad but instead of strong human rights that apply to everyone (and are supported through tax dollars) it should be no bullying of certain worthy groups.


  1. I still don't understand how he won. Like, we've all seen him in action in Toronto and the GTA is what got him in despite us all knowing what a POS he is. He's even worse than before now because he's actively trying to emulate Trump.

  2. Shar Banning Wasn't it 40% voter turnout? There should be a no confidence option, if that wins, everyone gets the can and parties and go fish for a new leader with 'fresh' promises.. Disillusioned voters need a way to express their dissatisfaction other than not showing up..

  3. Actually, I think the Mexican system where there is a 6 year limit could work for Canada in ensuring the party leader changes every 6 years. Along with more transparency there would be less opportunities for graft.

  4. This Ford government is scaring me more and more each day
