Monday 9 July 2018

Last Monday of working

Last Monday of working

After this week I fall out of the employment statistics. Lots to do to wrap up. I'm very big on not having a bunch of wtf-ery after I leave a job/position. It's just nicer for incoming person.


  1. Cass Morrison ready for post work era? Volunteering, traveling more...

  2. Congrats and thank you (as someone who has been dropped into large amounts of wtf-ery at various stages).

  3. On this very day, I received my estimate of my Social Security monthly payment, which could start with partial retirement in 2 and 1/2 years. We’re both about to reach the promised land.

  4. And your attitude on wtf-ery is exemplary. I’m afraid wtf-ery at my workplace is a preexisting condition no matter what a departing employee does!
