Tuesday 31 July 2018

Visited with my mom's best friend and got some yard ideas.

Visited with my mom's best friend and got some yard ideas.

She has an amazing garden and we got some ideas for our place for next year. Hostas and gladioli will be added as perennial plants that provide a lot of ground cover. We need a lot of hostas so we're going to try growing from seed. Collecting pods this fall and planting inside this spring. We'll move them outside around monsoon season (June). I'd like to focus on the giant ones, maybe we'll ask our neighbours for some seeds as well as they have some beauties. Fred thought he was allergic to gladioda flowers but it seems not so we may add some to our front bed along with the pretty shorter Asian day lilies I saw on a corner a few weeks ago.


  1. Cass Morrison Have you ever grown your own tomatoes? When I was in Montreal last summer I stayed in a b&b where the owner was growing some plants on his roof, out in the open. I asked him if he'd ever had an issue with tomato blight but he said he'd never heard of it. I found it hard to believe that blight doesn't exist in Canada.

  2. We have but rarely as it usually doesn't get hot for long enough so we have to start them indoors. Our neighbours grow them and don't seem to have a problem. That particular blight might be related to other plants that don't grow well here.
