Friday 27 July 2018

Worldcon had some problems and @MaryRobinette stepped up to help out. It's what you do when it's an event you value.

Worldcon had some problems and @MaryRobinette stepped up to help out. It's what you do when it's an event you value.


  1. I certainly admire the "roll up the sleeves and get to work" attitude, but I haven't clue #1 what "address a range of identities, marginalizations & stakeholders" means. Not meaning any sort of snark. I'm mystified.

  2. It probably means a delicate juggling act between ConCom, Fans, and Guests, exacerbated by real-world politics deciding it deserves a seat at the WorldCon table (i.e., the Sad Puppies/Hugos), etc.

  3. An author was mis-gendered and new authors weren't given panel space.
