Tuesday 21 August 2018

I have never wondered about this. Could the man be trolling the mother?

I have never wondered about this. Could the man be trolling the mother?


  1. LOL!

    Closest I've ever heard is for the man to abstain from hot tubs etc if he and his other are having trouble conceiving ( and that is a temporary effect ).

    I'm not sure I'd stop laughing if I spotted a man crab-walking into the tub in order to keep his junk high and dry...

    (Hm, maybe that's why so few women can attest to this behavior, if it's not actually rare...!)

  2. 🤣😂🤗

  3. ..they're doing this on the down-low!


  4. This may be the best and funniest piece of investigative journalism ever written - and what a twist!

  5. I don't really have the body for baths anymore, as I am 6'5"... but when I was small enough, heat was never really an issue for my foibles.

  6. Ok, I’m gonna go ahead and be really innocent and dumb here, but does it not depend on the temperature of the water?

  7. I've been more of a shower person ever since I heard that Kramer bit on Seinfeld about sitting in a tepid pool of my own filth ... to get clean. Cold showers are the best. Unless it's winter. Then steam up all the things!
