Thursday 30 August 2018

I've never understood the hatred for Wil Wheaton (and I don't need them explained) but I'm glad he's got support systems IRL.

I've never understood the hatred for Wil Wheaton (and I don't need them explained) but I'm glad he's got support systems IRL.

Perhaps it's the halo from being on ST:NG or a bud of Scalzi but he's always seemed like a person doing his best to promote kindness in an unkind world. Like any human he makes missteps that can be exploited and because he's not an asshole, they do get exploited.


  1. I never really gave two hoots about ST:NG, but I like Wil. My wife was a crazy Table Top fan, and I think bits like that showed a lot more real personality than any acting gigs. Also appreciate his cameos in The Big Bang Theory ... especially when Hamill stole his job at the wedding. lol

  2. I quit Twitter because I thought the arguments and snipes there were just too toxic; and I was never even directly involved. Can’t imagine what it must be like to actually be the target of all the comments.

  3. While I didn't particularly like his character on TNG i'd never have thought of harassing him online (or offline for that matter). Why would I? Especially if you remember Wheatons Law: don't be a dick.

    Just last week after reading that Elon Musks health isn't the best I was thinking: he'd feel a lot better if he just deleted his twitter account.

    Coincidentally a few days ago a mob of around 800 people came together in a 40 people village in Germany to harass a YouTuber ("Drachenlord"). Granted, this particular dude is indeed also kind of a dick, as he himself has said some nasty stuff in his videos (like "another holocaust would be fun right now") but still that's no reason to mob him like that; people even defiled the grave of his father and marched around with masks of his dads face.

  4. who doesn't like Wil? yeesh... the internet be dumbz

  5. People are shits. I remember even while he was on G+ nearly every post he made had plenty of shut up Wesley" comments... Until he started blocking.

  6. Anyone with a shred of decency likes Wil. By extension, that means anyone who harasses Wil for any reason does not have a shred of decency.

    As to Elon Musk, I like the guy's inventions, and I've liked him in interviews, but the guy seriously needs to steer clear of Twitter, unless he's using the furor for some public good. Which he probably isn't. So he should just steer clear of Twitter.

  7. (Also, his character on ST:NG was pretty lame, but it was a freakin' character he portrayed, and he played his role well)

  8. Any celebrity is an easy target for people to direct their hate. They attract more attention. Those people who drove Wheaton from various social networking services are probably going to turn their attention to someone else soon. Probably a lot more people are leaving, but we don't hear about it because they are not so high profile.

  9. I actually wrote him an email a few weeks ago, basically just telling him he is awesome and an inspiration. And please to continue to be great.

  10. I've stopped using almost all social (aka "Toxic") media recently... This includes salaciousbook, shitgram, bitter, etc... This shit just breeds feckless trolls and codependent narcissistic personality disorders.... I mean look at the Kardashians... This pig of a human got famous for being a exhibitionist slut. I'll stick to G+ (as long as it doesn't try to become what the others have allowed).

  11. I think it's little easier to curate G+. I echo to twitter but link to the original article rather than here.
