Friday 17 August 2018

I'm on Twitter and pretty low key. If "opposing opinions" are going to be inserted into my timeline the amount of marketing information available as payment for free service will be minimized.

I'm on Twitter and pretty low key. If "opposing opinions" are going to be inserted into my timeline the amount of marketing information available as payment for free service will be minimized.

I thought, originally, it was supposed to be a stream where you could create eddys of conversations but most stuff your flow by into the past. Of course, I didn't think about people weaponizing comments. I'm pretty careful with what I say but everyone exposes unpopular opinions. Guess it's time to curate/scrape.

1 comment:

  1. I've recently dropped Twitter as an app. Twitter is pretty toxic for anything political, and Jack keeps making it worse with unequal application of the terms of service. If you are big, the ToS rarely apply to you, on either side of the aisle.
