Monday 27 August 2018

Many of us believe our ancestors lived much shorter lives than we do. Cutting-edge archaeology shows otherwise.

Many of us believe our ancestors lived much shorter lives than we do. Cutting-edge archaeology shows otherwise.


  1. Fine story, but let’s talk about that headline....

  2. Seriously, I have read that the supposed longer life span since Social Security was created in 1936 (used as a pretext to claim the system is strained) is a myth. It’s progress reducing infant mortality that has lengthened average life span. Measuring just those who survive till age 6, average life expectancy is just 18 months greater now than in 1936.

  3. I think sanitation and vaccination also reduced early death.

  4. This anecdotal study is, for me, relative to the individual. We can crunch numbers and launch study after studies, in the end we are still searching in the dark. This is not to say that certain behaviors, environmental, and genetic prerequisites should be ignored. Alas in the end, life is painfully short, and the great secret of death won't be cracked anytime soon.

  5. It’s not much expectancy you have in your life, it’s how much life you ha... naw, scrap that!
