Thursday 2 August 2018

People seem to think Alberta is US lite. Actually that would be Ontario with their one or two multicultural cities. It's why they are so affected by US policy.

People seem to think Alberta is US lite. Actually that would be Ontario with their one or two multicultural cities. It's why they are so affected by US policy.

Alberta may seem like Texas but we've always had science based environmental law and had the Heritage fund which saved some of the royalty earning to better everyone. We were lucky to get the NDP in which really runs on progressive ideals of helping lower income citizens to help a capitalist economy thrive. Lower income earners drive the economy as they must spend a lot of their income on daily living so they can't hoard their money like the wealthy can. Small businesses drive the economy because they hire more people as they can't be as efficient as multinational or even large businesses. Guess who gets decent tax breaks in Alberta? Low income earners and small business. As a wealthier person, the carbon tax doesn't really affect my budget and we can work to reduce our footprint which is what it's about.

Canadians go along with a political party until they don't. Any political party that is in for too long gets complacent and less transparent. I hope Ontarians enjoy their time with Ford and his party of austerity for all but business.


  1. I already super hate this. I don't understand how the fuck he got elected!!

  2. I'm suprised too. Perhaps if there had been a Lib leadership convention before the election rather than Wynne stepping aside near the last day.

  3. Yes, that could have maybe helped. But even just Ford making it to the PC leadership is a mystery.

  4. Industry: Cancel your carbon production!
