Wednesday 22 August 2018

Puppy activity that doesn't include my hair getting combed by puppy teeth.

Puppy activity that doesn't include my hair getting combed by puppy teeth.


  1. Perfect motto if you want to take this concept viral — “Use the Hounds to Lose the Pounds!”

  2. Hey Cass MorrisonPhil here how are you I was just browsing and noticed your wonderful post thanks for sharing.

    Do add me if you like as I would like to keep in touch.

  3. Kinda interesting what YouTube thinks I would want to watch next. First up, "Meet the Powerlifting Grandma" then, "Funniest Bloopers of Modern Family" ... er what?
    I don't see the connections, but they have my watching history, don't they? (I had no interest in any of their offers. Go figure.)

  4. Clyde Wisham too funny I suspect the powerlifting grandma is related to someone my age exercising.
