Tuesday 7 August 2018

Sure - the problem is with harsh words like "urge" and progressive values like don't arrest human rights protestors and don't chop of hands and heads.

Sure - the problem is with harsh words like "urge" and progressive values like don't arrest human rights protestors and don't chop of hands and heads.

I hope Veitch is wrong but I know people like my in-laws are drifting further right every year as they listen to talk radio and rail at the government for not doing enough after natural disasters.


  1. Well, some of us are drifting further left as Justin steps up and defends all that makes Canada and the real free world free.

  2. sometimes I can only hang my head at the behaviour of some of humanity...

  3. And people wonder why I'm progressively losing all faith in humanity. I think Thanos had it right. Where's my Infinity Gauntlet?
